A story of tradition and passion, the story of Mrs. Adriana

In the heart of Arequipa, there is a woman whose skillful hands weave stories of tradition and passion.
Adriana, an artisan originally from Cotabambas, Apurimac, has turned her love for handicrafts and weaving techniques into an exceptional art that brings to life the wonders of Alpaca Kapchy.

With more than 7 years of dedication to the company, Adriana has witnessed her own evolution, from the days when she discovered her interest in handicrafts to becoming the master of felting in our workshop. Her journey began in training, where each apprenticeship was the foundation of her unique skill set.

Today, Adriana is the creator behind the lovely bodies of iconic models in our catalog, such as the beloved Alpaca Huacaya and the adorable Alpaca Bebé, among others. Her skill and dedication are reflected in every detail, giving life to pieces that have conquered hearts around the world.

For Adriana, the future is as promising as the yarns she masterfully weaves. She dreams of learning new techniques and bringing even more amazing designs to life. Her connection with Alpaca Kapchy goes beyond the creations; it is a symphony of shared values: solidarity, creativity and affection.


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