Our main objective is to make known to the world the value of our main motor of movement. The object that makes it possible to create these unique and priceless pieces. And they are, the hands. The hands of our women. Hardworking, strong, brave women…

What are the figures filled with?
Our figures are filled with sheep wool noil, which is the short fiber combed from long fibers during the preparation of textile yarns.
Where does the Alpaca comes from?
The alpaca originated from Peru; this camelid was domesticated by indigenous south American people thousands of years ago. Nowadays, alpacas inhabit in the Andes from southern Colombia and Ecuador south to northern Chile and northern Argentina, and are especially abundant in the region of Lake Titicaca in southern Peru.
How long do you take to make them?
Making our figures is a very delicate job that is done only by hand. The time needed by a duly trained person to produce them is as follows:
– 9cm figure: from 30 to 40 minutes.
– 12cm figure: from 40 to 50 minutes.
– 20cm figure: from from 80 to 90 minutes.
Why did you choose alpaca fiber for your brand?
Because apart from the fact that alpaca fiber is of high quality and highly valued in the Peruvian and foreign markets, we are also concerned about the impact we can cause indirectly and we know that consuming our raw material from the alpaca industry does not generate a negative impact on the environment.
What is the alpaca's food?
Being a herbivorous animal, the alpaca eats grass, hay, stems, bark and leaves of trees.
Alpaca Kapchy cares about its craftswomen?
Yes, the company Alapaca Kapchy has the fair trade certificate, which guarantees that our workers and processes are correctly elaborated and fair and that the benefits that the company can generate are for all the members.
How many times is an alpaca sheared?
Usually shearing is done once a year before the rainy season begins. The size of the fiber is also considered, which should be more than 7 cm in order not to cause any discomfort to the alpaca, although this also depends on the area of the body where you want to shear and the age of the alpaca.
Is alpaca fiber hypoallergenic?
Yes, alpaca fiber has almost no lanolin, a component that wool does have, this is why alpaca fiber is hypoallergenic and you can cuddle with our Alpaca Kapchy figures without fears.
Our Alpacas made a special Photoshoot just for you!
Take a look and download the Wallpapers here.