Benefits of alpaca wool: Why is alpaca socially responsible?

Alpaca fiber is a sustainable, socially responsible, cruelty-free, and functional alternative to other textiles and fabrics on the market. What makes it so popular and unique is the way it stands out compared to other natural fibers. Among the many benefits of alpaca wool, we find that it is light, warm, soft, and hypoallergenic. Which makes it a great choice for all those who are sensitive to wool.

Additionally, in the list of its benefits come the water-repellent, stain-repellent, flame-resistant properties. Alpaca wool is less susceptible to abrasion, pilling, and general wear and tear history. With so many great benefits, alpaca fiber is the Eco-friendly textile choice that cares for human health and nature.

They are what best represents green movement because their fiber can satisfy many of the requirements for an eco-friendly, carbon-neutral, and socially responsible approach. By choosing alpaca wool, no fossil fuels are wasted in the manufacturing process because alpaca fiber itself is the natural solution and has very environmentally-friendly attributes.

Here are the top reasons why alpaca is a socially responsible choice:

Peru is home to 80% of the world’s alpaca population, which equals around 4 million animals. The industry surrounding them is an important business that provides the basic way of income for more than 120.000 families. It is also a traditional craft that, in combination with modern technology, does not harm any animals during the process of production.

Alpaca fiber is natural. It is not synthetic or petroleum-based like polyesters, acetates, acrylics, nylon, and other filaments that affect nature. It is a natural animal protein fiber that is fully biodegradable and known for its exceptional breathability and temperature regulation.

Animal – friendly
Alpaca wool is animal-friendly derived. This means the alpacas are not harmed when their fleece is harvested. That is not the case for mink or baby seal, for example. Alpacas are shorn once a year, and shearing provides much more than wonderful fiber. It is beneficial for alpacas because by removing the fleece they become healthier. Too much fleece can contribute to heat stress in the warm summer months.

Alpaca fiber is known as one of the strongest natural fibers. This affects and contributes to its durability. As a matter of fact, it can also be very lightweight and strong at the same time. The alpaca fiber is also abrasion resistant because of the great strength that it possesses.

Another point that contributes to the great durability properties is the thermal characteristics. Namely, the alpaca’s thermal characteristics widely surpass the ones of wool. They are also better than the standard characteristics of mohair and cashmere. The alpaca’s fiber resistance is also higher than the resistance of the other above-mentioned fabrics.

Environmentally – friendly
Alpacas live lightly on the earth, which makes them the most environmentally friendly animals. They have soft-padded feet that do not cut into the topsoil. Just as a comparison, sheep or goats are much harder on the earth because of the impact of their hooves. Eventually, that leads to tearing up and damaging the plant life and soil.

This damage to the topsoil can decrease, in the long-term, soil fertility, increase soil erosion, and encourage the proliferation of weeds. That is why alpacas are kinder to the pastures because they do not disrupt the root systems. They also consume lower amounts of water and forage, and their efficient three-stomach digestive system metabolizes most of what they consume.

Alpaca quality end products are present everywhere. Today, the biggest accent is put on clothes but also home products that make our living more comfortable, sustainable, and socially responsible too.

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